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Peter Krause
Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston College
Research Affiliate, MIT Security Studies Program

I engage with television, radio, and print media when I have the time and knowledge to provide insight into a relevant topic. I have offered my analysis of Middle East politics, terrorism and political violence, and U.S. foreign policy with CNN, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera, NECN, the Boston affiliates of ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, and PBS, and a variety of local, national, and international print outlets. A sample of my media appearances are embedded below. If you are interested in booking me for a media appearance, please contact me via the link below.
NECN Interview with Brian Shactman
Analysis of the January 2020 U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and the fallout for the Middle East
WGBH-Greater Boston
Interview with Jim Braude
and Carol Savietz
Analysis of the October 31, 2017
deadly attack in New York City and the challenge of vehicular terrorism
Interview with Joy Lim Nakrin
and Shannon Mulaire
Analysis of the U.S. airstrikes in Syria in response to the chemical weapons attack in Idlib
Interview with Rachel Maddow
Analysis of the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombings on the night of the attacks
Interview With Rachel Maddow
Interview with John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin
Analysis of the Boston Marathon bombings after the Tsarnaev brothers were killed/captured
Interview with Mark Ockerbloom
Analysis of the U.S. plans to launch air strikes in Syria
Fox Boston
Interview with Steve Aveson
Analysis of the protests and violence in Libya and Egypt that led to the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans
Fatah-Hamas Conflict: ABC (Australia) Interview with Fiona Ellis-Jones
Analysis of the Fatah-Hamas struggle for Palestinian leadership and a possible unity deal
Fatah-Hamas Conflict - ABC-Australia Interview with Fiona Ellis-Jones
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Syria 101: WBZ (CBS-Boston) Interview with Bradley Jay
A clear overview of the civil war in Syria, the actors involved, and U.S. foreign policy options
Syria 101 - CBS-Radio (WBZ) Interview with Bradley Jay
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U.S. Foreign Policy in Syria: WRKO Interview with The Financial Exchange
Analysis of the potential for U.S. intervention in Syria
U.S. Foreign Policy in Syria - WRKO Interview with The Financial Exchange
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Check out our 13-episode podcast focused on engaging discussions with scholars about their personal experiences with field research, including logistical and ethical challenges. Many guests are contributors to our edited volume by the same title, Stories From the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science.

I love this book. I want every first-year political science student, all graduate students, and each of my colleagues to read it. Krause and Szekely deliver the real deal: how to do rigorous field research while remaining candid, agile, and curious. In every chapter here, I laughed and I learned. -- Cynthia Enloe, Clark University
Scholars seldom share their personal stories and lessons drawn from field research with others, limiting our ability to learn from one another's experiences. This book is unique in making available stories and insights from forty-four such experiences from scholars for whom fieldwork is a central part of their research. I wish it had been available when I first went to the field, and hope that young scholars today will take advantage of it, both to convince them of the importance of fieldwork and to help to prepare them for what to expect from it. -- Sidney Tarrow, Cornell University
The breadth of life experience captured in this collection is the reason this volume has great pedagogical potential. A lot of graduate students will flip to find their academic heroes and crushes and then keep reading. Authors are writing with different agendas, but always in a first-person voice. The effect is to give the volume both intellectual heft and a personal touch. -- Jesse Driscoll, University of California, San Diego
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